I Wasn’t Always Like This
Are you looking up to successful women role models thinking they are so far ahead from where you are that there's no point of even trying to do something? Do those women make you feel exhausted and even less motivated to make changes in your own life? I know how you...

How To Embrace Struggle As A Gift
“Try to enjoy the pain” I told my best friend when she was going through a tough divorce. She couldn’t believe what I was saying. How could I be so heartless and not offer an easy way out of her struggle. That’s what friends are for, right? I had gone through a...

How To Create A Vision Board To Accelerate Success And Personal Growth
Learn how to create a vision board and start manifesting your goals and dreams for the New Year. I've been doing it for over 15 years now. Every year I'm getting better at it and I have noticed how much impact it has on my direction and in accelerating my growth as a...

5 Secrets To Successfully Transitioning From Corporate Career To Doing Work You Love
Many women are thinking of transitioning from a corporate career to doing something they love. You may have have been ploughing the same furrows and ended up in a career that is not fulfilling the way you would have hoped for. Why wouldn't you want more! At...

Dare To Dream Big
Do you feel disappointed in the latest political developments? Have we put too much faith in our leaders to sort out the mess this world is in? I'm not going to go into a deep political analysis, but there's one key message that is very relevant for our growing...

How To Have A Courageous Conversation
Imagine you need to have a challenging conversation which must be delivered with power and poise. How would you go about doing that? Most people would go to tremendous efforts to avoid having the conversation in the first place. Because more often than not, these kind...

Learning To Celebrate Doing And Being
I grew up in Finland, the self proclaimed capital of hardship. Winters were harsh and work ethic strong. I remember the winter mornings when it was still pitch black when I got up to go to go to primary school . It might have been -20C outside but that was not a...

5 Reasons Why You Feel Stuck Right Now (And The One Thing You Must Do To Get Unstuck)
Four years ago I was feeling completely stuck. I was at home with two small children after having left my successful corporate career behind a few years earlier. I didn’t know what my true calling was, I didn’t have a clue what my next career move would be - and I did...

How To Spot Your Big Opportunity
We all have heard a story about someone who was lucky to be at the right place at the right time, who then became wildly successful. Surely her success can be explained, she spotted an opportunity and she was prepared – in other words - she was extremely lucky!...

From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed: Three Simple Steps to get Organised and be more Productive
Wouldn't you agree that society has given into pressure to become “busy”. It seems that being busy has become a sign of personal success. It’s good to be busy, but how much is too much? And how do we, the new generations, keep a balanced life where we make time to...