Every dream is created equal – how to support the anti-racism movement

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Race is at the forefront of our consciousness right now and with so much going on in the world it can be hard to know what we can do to help.  As white people we’ve been hearing that to become anti-racist, we must educate ourselves and confront these societal issues on a daily basis. 

At DrivenWoman we’ve always believed that every dream is created equal – as we watch the unrest going on in the US and around the world, we stand in solidarity with our black sisters by supporting the anti-racism movement.  We must all step up if we want things to change,  as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said: 

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” 

We believe that everyone must stand up against racial injustice and inequality. DrivenWoman is all about taking action and making small changes in our every day actions that can make a big difference in the long run. We also believe that when women stop accepting a daily struggle as a norm the world will change. 

So whilst amplifying the movement through posting black squares on social media is a start here are some other ways you may wish to get involved.


To educate yourself, learn more about the movement and amplify the voices of experts, search the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter, #BlackoutTuesday, #taketheknee.

Black Lives Matter 

The official Black Lives Matter global network who work to “end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.”

Support charities

These anti-racism organisations and charities are working with communities and official bodies to make long-lasting, systemic change. 

Sign the petition


Write to your local MP

Write to the politicians who represent you and take a stance in your local area.

Support black businesses

Just as we encourage you to support women owned businesses here are some UK and US links to help you support black owned businesses.

Take the knee

The anti-racism organisation Stand Up To Racism is asking people across the UK to kneel on their doorsteps on Wednesday evening at 6pm in solidarity with activists in the US. Use the hashtag #taketheknee to join the conversation.

Educate yourself

Watch – The documentary 13th on Netflix.

Read – White Fragility.

Follow – The conscious kid for parenting and educational resources from a critical race lens.

A detailed resource list – here.

We encourage everyone to take small steps in understanding, supporting and showing up for one another in these turbulent times, and to remember that every dream is created equal.


DrivenWoman is a social platform connecting women who want to achieve their goals and dreams.  Thousands of women around the world have joined our program and are achieving their life goals supported by one another.  Join our FREE community the Doers Tribe.

DrivenWoman is an empowerment program for ambitious women who want to achieve their dreams and goals fast.

Join our free community the Doers Tribe.

Friday, June 5th, 2020

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