The art of building networks that help you reach your goals
How do you feel about networking? Does the word make you cringe a little bit? Maybe it makes you think of a room filled with people chattering enthusiastically, while you’re alone in the corner, sipping your room-temperature white wine. Or in the Zoom era,...

How to become 100% committed to your goals (when you have no motivation)
Do you sometimes wish you had more willpower to do things that feel tough? Are you searching for motivation to accomplish hard tasks? We tend to blame lack of motivation when we run out of steam but in fact we may not have yet fully committed to our goals or what we...

What if success looks a little different for you?
Many people imagine their ideas and dreams are unattainable so what's the point in even starting! Especially women feel they don't have the skills, the confidence, the resources nor the time to make things happen. And other things always come in the way. When...

It’s time to tap into your feminine intuition
Do you feel you used to have a clear playbook for your life and career and it has all been torn into pieces? The future feels uncertain to say the least, yet all the changes of this incredible year have opened up plenty of opportunities and ways to relook at our lives...

How The Driven Woman Method Can Help You Overcome Adversity
Covid has not been easy on women. I know from personal experience that we are the ones who have born the brunt of the social and economic consequences of this pandemic. We also know that women benefit from collaboration over competition. Studies shows women who...

5 bullet proof steps to make your dreams come true
Sometimes dreams do come true. But how? Surely the people who make their dreams happen are somehow special, right! Or perhaps some ideas are just more doable than others? If you find yourself talking yourself out of your dreams it is time to stop. Everyone with...

How to celebrate the end of 2020 – and be your best for what comes next
Year 2020 has been dubbed the worst year in modern history. It’s definitely provided a chance to practise resilience and an ability to shape our approach to life in ways we didn’t think possible. We all face challenges in life and it’s up to us how we choose...

18 books heart led women should read to feel empowered
Do you sometimes have a nagging feeling that although everything seems just fine in your life from the outside there's something missing but you can't put your finger on it? There's an exciting breed of new books that talks directly to that nag. We went on to explore...

How to set boundaries and start thriving again
Healthy boundaries are a sign of self respect yet often in our haste to please others and get ahead we end up compromising ourselves. This can lead to exhaustion and even burn out. We start resenting the things we used to love and a long sabbatical can seem like the...

What to do when you don’t have enough time or money for ‘success’
Many people often blame a lack of resources as the number one reason they can't do what they want to do, or why they can't follow their heart. There's either not enough time, money or both to create the life you want. It is true, without abundant resources I could not...