Five reasons why your goals are slowing you down
Start of February and we are slowly sobering up from our New Year’s resolutions. In most cases, they are already all but forgotten. It’s possible that your New Year’s resolutions are even giving you a hang over – a headache and guilt because you haven’t done much to...

Body pump that mind
How to turn something difficult into easy? We athletes must do it all the time to our bodies. We work hard to achieve stamina and make going fast look easy. What has puzzled me lately is how it's so difficult to work on our mind and emotions when working on our body...

Improving is easier than creating
"If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your website you launched too late." A brilliant #startup quote from Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn. Just imagine how much we could do and create if we applied this thinking to everything in life? We women...

Put ‘Positive Psychology’ into work
This is a quest post from Niyc Pidgeon, the founder of Optimal You. Niyc is a Positive Psychologist with specialism in physical activity, sport and exercise. She holds an MSc (Dist.) in Applied Positive Psychology, a BSc (Hons) in Psychology with Sport Sciences,...

Condition yourself to achieve your goals
It’s been 13 days since the New Year began. Most of us made grand New Year's resolutions, but how many of us can say we are still on course or have we set unrealistic goals? Only time will tell. In last Monday's post Miisa explained we need a bigger concept instead of...

Are you setting goals for 2014? Conceptualise instead
I've never been a big fan of New Year's Resolutions (thus my post last Monday), but I got massively inspired by this article by Eric T. Wagner at Forbes magazine on what to do instead of resolutions and goals. This idea is based on creating three concepts rather...

The only New Year’s Resolution you’ll ever need to make
This is such a funny time of the year. We eagerly look forward to Christmas and then when it finally comes we eat and drink too much and generally end up feeling very bad afterwards. Or aren't you happy now Christmas finally over? Determined to mend our ways, with our...

Three questions to ask yourself this Christmas
Magazine articles leading up to Christmas gets our blood boiling. 'How to create a stress free Christmas', '10 tips to easy Christmas' and so on. So it was very refreshing to read Richard Godwin's brilliant article in Evening Standard a couple of days...

Get plugged in to win
We know a wonderful girl, she has a dream, a big big dream. She wants to live a life according to her own rules. A life that looks like her, a life where she doesn't have to ask for permission or to compromise on who she is. She wants to build something around her...
The benefits of ‘location independent’ mindset every woman should discover
Most women live in a situation where 'location independent' living sounds like a distant luxury. Most of us are pretty tightly tied down by the location of our children's school! Our challenge: how to ditch the 'mother guilt' and find an alternative to the full...