5 Thoughtful Ways To Clear Negativity From Your Life Fast

5 Thoughtful Ways To Clear Negativity From Your Life Fast

We are the average of five people we spend most time with. You hear this quote all the time but what does it mean? How can we identify if we are indeed spending our time with the right people and do we have any choice? There’s a quick way to find out. Everyone faces...

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How To Reframe Success When Failure Feels Inevitable

How To Reframe Success When Failure Feels Inevitable

Are you working on a professional project with high pressure to succeed? Do you see your career as a continuous line of linear advancement where any side move feels like a failure? I meet many women who say it feels like they are in crossroads right now. Yet their...

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5 Ways To Talk Yourself Out Of Your Dreams

5 Ways To Talk Yourself Out Of Your Dreams

We've all been there. The dream seems so unrealistic and far away that it's probably best to not even try. Or better still, why should you even find out what the dream could be. Sounds way too complicated and risky! We are shocked how many beautiful and smart women...

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Five Signs You’re Living Life Inside Your Comfort Zone

Five Signs You’re Living Life Inside Your Comfort Zone

I thought I knew everything about my comfort zone. I was convinced I did things every day outside my comfort zone. But then I joined women’s network DrivenWoman and this self deceiving myth got completely blasted out of the water! I’m a busy person, I get on with...

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11 Ways To Make Hard Decisions When You’re Feeling Stuck

11 Ways To Make Hard Decisions When You’re Feeling Stuck

Whether you are planning a career change, are thinking of going back to work after spending time with the family or considering if you should start your own business, big life decisions can sometimes feel too much to handle. You may feel there’s no point in thinking...

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Blogs to follow for personal growth and inspiration The Purpose Fairy by Luminita Saviuc As an enthusiastic student of the arts, psychology, and spirituality, Luminita takes great pleasure in shining light on life’s hidden truths, the paradoxes that both stare us in...

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