Sometimes in life you find something you are not looking for and end up getting much more than what you asked for. This is what happened to me when I joined a women only network. I joined DrivenWoman nine months ago because I wanted to do more, achieve more and set...
We make thousands of good and bad decisions every day. Yet, we don’t always see what role those decisions play in our personal path to success. I talked to Jane Adshead-Grant, an executive leadership coach who is passionate about the topic as she helps...
The currency of the Universe is energy. I learned this through the teachings of two great men of science — a physicist and a medical doctor – whose study led them to contemplate how the physical and non-physical are linked: Albert Einstein and Deepak Chopra....
Nobody can live in a complete bubble, but external influences will push you off the track when striving for your goals, if you are not prepared and aware. We all want to follow our own path and build a living doing what we love but everyday life’s circumstances...
Couple of years ago I went for a holiday in Miami. It was going to be a fun packed week with my girlfriends going to the beach, art shows and galleries, enjoying shopping and good food. I had been working on my startup relentlessly for months and long hours but...
I have always been one of those successful women who punch above their weight in my career. I just get on and do things I see need doing – and become indispensable to those around me as a result. But it took me a while to realise I was serving the dreams of others and...