Life Lessons Learned Erasing My Hard Drive
This week will go down as one of the most stressful ones. I'm writing this blog post looking out to the ocean sitting on my deck in Miami Beach, not exactly the most nerve wrecking environment! But on Monday I finally decided to do something that was long overdue, to...

I Started My Own Business With No Clue What I Was Doing
Back in November 2011, I started my own blog, Live Healthy Simply. I had no clue at all what I was doing and didn’t tell anyone about it for about three months. What would people think? Would they judge me based on the pictures and stories I was sharing? Surely, I...

What I Learned About Becoming A Wealthy Woman
Not an evening goes by in London these days when you can’t check in to some kind of event, seminar or lecture aimed at improving some aspect of your life. In addition to attending events in person, there is no shortage of life hack-ery online, in the...

How to Un-Label And Learn To Explore Beyond Your Current Identity
Does this sound familiar? You know you can get stuff done but the new goals you've set for yourself don't seem to be coming any closer and weeks turn into months. Your friends talk about you as the 'doer', the one that makes things happen. So why is the new path...

Why So Many Women Are Single
I must admit that since I’ve decided to “own it” and commit to being a Love Coach full time, I’ve met some very interesting people and heard some fascinating stories which bring new light to why so many women are single. Just the other day, I was at a theatre event,...

There’s No Women’s Equality Without Proactivity
In Finland (where I'm originally from), all kids go outside on a break at school. It's usually already quite chilly in October so hats are compulsory and teachers supervise to ensure rules are being followed rigorously. It was a surprisingly warm autumn day early...

Stake A Claim On Your Self Confidence
This is a guest post from personal development coach Donna Hubbard. When I look back at my life I can see a clear pattern between how I was feeling about myself at the time and the type of events taking place for me. Focusing in on certain moments where I was feeling...

The Record In My Head
Do you ever catch yourself planning out your life, in your head? Do you try to imagine all possible scenarios in advance? Do you envision, with certainty, all possible consequences of your potential actions? I catch myself listening to the noisy record of my thoughts...

Woman’s Pound Is Equal To Man’s
The early 90s recession hit Finland very hard. My father was one of the lucky ones to keep his job during the bad times, but eventually he lost it in 1995. That was twenty years ago. Even at the tender age of 16 I realised that even if you are very skilled and eager...

Temptation Of Being Busy (And My Best Productivity Tip)
Does this sound familiar... you are a doer, you get things done but still you feel you are not accomplishing the success you'd desire? Are you exhausted from the amount of work and feel like you are catching up all the time? There's no time to think because there's so...