Unhelpful Beliefs About Money That Might Be Holding You Back
Does this sound familiar? You want to make better choices to secure your financial future but something in your head keeps questioning your motives. Many women have been brought up with a negative money mindset. Asking questions about money is not necessarily...

The Importance Of Moving Forward
I am 48 years old and I finally feel like I have an opportunity to do something for me. I have been struggling for the last few years trying to determine what exactly is the definition of growth, my goal setting, intention, and - my purpose. I can finally say I...

A Voice To Be Heard – A Check List For Assertiveness
I consider myself as an out going person who is quite vocal, but one of my biggest pet hates about myself is that I am a people pleaser and often tailor myself to suit everyone else's needs, totally ignoring my own. I've touched this subject before when I...

How To Choose Between Money Or Values When In Transition
"Should I take this short term job that pays really well but is not taking me towards my goals?" That's a big question and it comes up frequently at DrivenWoman member meetings. I wish there was one comprehensive, correct answer to this question! But...

Is Refusal Holding You Back
"You can eat as much french fries as you like..." said my doctor six months ago after getting repeatedly frustrated with me and my laboratory results. He saw from my chart I had been eating the 'bad fats' again and the culprit was my weekly french fry habit. "You...

Changing My Mentors
I'm continuing on my journey to rediscover my mojo. I've now learnt how to narrow down my steps, be more focused and have a closer view into what it is I'm trying to accomplish. Perhaps you can remember my last blog post, which was about changing my...

Lucky To Grieve
Recently, life hit me hard in the area I least expected to be hit in. It happened, as it often does: just when my business as a Love Coach was starting to take off, my own personal life hit a serious snag. My boyfriend of almost a year, with whom, until recently, we...

Time Management Is Not Important
Do you think you'd be getting faster to your goals if you managed your time better? Do you sometimes feel frustrated because you can't fit everything you want to do in your day? I used to struggle with that, trying to figure out how to fit more into my day. I thought...

Lessons Learned In An Empty Room
Everyone who embarks on a new career journey or wants to start a business will have to face their fear of failure. If you want to start something new and change direction, the chances are you are stepping out of your comfort zone. I've been there, that's exactly how I...

Becoming A Londoner
In April 2009 I came to London leaving behind a lovely house in Amsterdam and my own business which I had set up five year prior to my move. I was a career coach and a recruiter. I had a so called portfolio career with lots of training and one-to-one sessions,...