I Feel Beautiful When
Have you ever asked yourself the question, ‘I feel beautiful when….’ A simple, but revealing question, that many women admittedly struggled to answer. For me, the word beauty and the need to be and feel physically 'beautiful', achieving 'perfection', was...

Change Is Coming – Are You Ready To Embrace It
My life changes every 4,5 years. Yes, it's almost to the day. Change is for me as regular as any other cycle in nature. I can see it now very clearly looking back as I've lived quite a few of those 4,5 year periods. Let's calculate from when I entered university and...

My 5-Minute Adjustment – How Saying ‘No’ To A Daily Struggle Can Change Your Life
Rachel is sitting in a morning traffic looking at an endless row of cars in front of her. The car moves a mere two meters and it's time to stop again. It seems to take ages to get across this particular roundabout, and it's the same struggle every morning. She starts...

Turning Hope Into A Reality
I had always thought of 'hope' simply as a thought or feeling. A mindset associated with optimism and the possibility of something better. And indeed it is, and sometimes getting into a hopeful frame of mind is pretty challenging in its own right. But increasingly I...

The Confidence Trap
How many times have you wished you had more confidence? If only you'd asked for a better salary at that career negotiation? Or been braver to pursue your idea for starting a business? Read almost any interview with a successful female leader or an entrepreneur and the...

A Bucket Full Of Dreams
Are you yearning to find your purpose in life but feel too exhausted to start looking? Do you have a little nagging feeling that your life which on the surface looks fine is lacking some key ingredient, something that would make you feel more passionate about it? At a...

Who You Surround Yourself With Influences Where You End Up
I moved to Switzerland 3.5 years ago to follow my husband who had started working in Zurich. I came with our two boys aged 3 and 6 and left my full time corporate career in marketing to set up as an independent marketing consultant. At around that time I read Napoleon...

The Happiness Explorer – From The Dole To Five Figure Weeks
In our your late twenties, it’s not uncommon to feel the pressure of getting your whole life sorted before your thirty - the house, the relationship, the success, the body, the family - but if life hasn’t turned out as you had expected it to and there’s no clear...

Change Awakens Your Unlived Parts
Much change has occurred lately on the global stage. It is instinctive to feel ‘on alert’ as we never know what will happen next it seems. We forget change is actually the norm in life but we don’t like it when things are out of our control and challenge our beliefs...

11 Characteristics Of A Driven Woman
What are the attributes that bring 'doer' women together? The idea behind DrivenWoman is not based on a common industry, background, education or career. People ask what brings women together and creates this extraordinary feeling of unity? So it's time to share...