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Categories Entrepreneurship

“Hi Jane,

Your story is really inspiring. I ‘ve been following you for a few month from a distance and even quoted your business to a few of my friends. I really like the tenacity of what you’re doing and always ask myself how you do it? I’ve been looking for funding for a few months and when i saw you managed to get yours was encouraged. Keep up with the good work.


Jane De Croos, one of our ‘star members’ received this wonderful email today! Jane told me how inspired and proud it made her, and how she really didn’t understand that she has become a little bit of a role model for many women in the past six months. The transformation from the ‘disillusioned‘ budding business woman she said she was to this kick-ass-and-get-the-stuff-done real business woman couldn’t be more dramatic.

The best part. She has learned so much more about herself, and has been able to put her learning into practise so much faster, because she has been open about her learning curve and willing to articulate it to the wider audience!

The other day she got spotted at Waitrose…. “Are you the woman from DrivenWoman website?” a woman asked! She’s becoming a little bit of an icon…

Jane really has been an inspiration to all of us. Her honesty and willingness to deal with the good the bad and the ugly has made her a woman to aspire to.

She’s not afraid to go ask for money from strangers to fund her business.

She’s not afraid to pick up the phone to make the cold calls and sell her products.

She’s not afraid to deal with her personal life in a way that it supports her bigger goals.

And most importantly she’s not afraid to say “Uh, I’m really scared. I nearly didn’t come to our session today. I don’t know how to go forward!”. She knows that by admitting our weaknesses we are able to deal with them and then move forward. That is what makes Jane such an inspiration!

We are following Jane and posting her journey as she takes on the condiment giants and turns London (and the world) into ChilliDrops playground, one pub and country fair at a time. Stay tuned for more!

If you care, please share. And please go and like Jane’s page ChilliDrops on Facebook!

The big shipment

The big shipment

~ Miisa

DrivenWoman is an empowerment program for ambitious women who want to achieve their dreams and goals fast.

Join our free community the Doers Tribe.

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

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