How To Trust Yourself

How do we gain that 100% trust in ourselves? How do we trust our own instincts, no matter what? And how can we develop that inner strength that no external influence can take away?

The athletic season is well and truly over now for this year. The challenges on trust are taken to an extreme level. The athletes have to dare to be brave and trust that the out come will be the one they have trained so diligently for over the past 12 months. It’s like a battlefield of warriors all fighting for that one prize. It requires an incredible amount of willpower and self belief.

In this arena self doubt can be exposed in seconds and dreams washed away. You have to trust yourself totally and have inner belief in your ability.

One individual stood out for me this year and underlined the pinnacle of self belief. That person was Usain Bolt. To all who may not be familiar he is the icon of track and field, the flamboyant king of sprints who’s dominated track over the last 7 years. He has won every title and set world records. He was the person at the top of his tree. Everyone wanted him to endorse their products and he was the ‘Mr Untouchable’ to many.

So why Usain?  

At the World Championships this year he taught everyone a valuable life lesson, something that I will never forget. Against all the odds he was entering the Championships as the under dog. His opening rounds in the heats and semi final were below standard, to the point he stumbled out of the blocks in the semi final and almost did not qualify for the final. At this point I am sure everyone would have advised him to pull out not to lose face and his ‘idol’ position. But he ran against everyone’s expectations. He trusted himself and he pulled off a vital win that shocked everyone.

With everything to lose and everyone questioning why he showed up in the first place he did what we thought was impossible: he trusted his own instinct and ability to win. This depth of trust he had in himself was truly outstanding.

Since that moment I have been intrigued to find out why and how can a person become so in tune with themselves regardless of external influences.

This brought me back to one of the DrivenWoman workshop ‘The Daring Way’ by Brené Brown which was presented by the lovely Roxanne Hobbs.

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”

“Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both; it’s engaging. It’s being all in.”

“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”

Amazing statements!

This is when I understood that Usain was ok feeling vulnerable. He did not see it as shameful but a tool to remind him to step into bravery.

External pressure was removed from his vulnerability. 

Too many of us, and me included, often reply to outside influences to change our lives. We search for external guidance in every situation to help us find the answer. This can keep you standing in one place holding you back suspended in your own fear. What we don’t understand  is that we have already everything we need for this change.

You don’t need external help when you have a complete trust in yourself.

Trust your ability and take action. Trust yourself 100%.

I have decided to be even more committed to myself. I want to feed myself the information that my inner guidance tells me. I want to research all there is to know about. me. I want to quiet the world around and listen to the rhythm of my own beat.

What is important to me?

What do I want for myself and my girls?

How do I want to show up?

I want what is best for me.

I believe I have enough years wrapped inside of me and knowledge to draw upon. I need to be honest to myself. That is the only way to truly live the life I am meant to live .

We all need to develop the trust in ourselves. We need to learn to know ourselves better. It will be a conditioning exercise of what works for you and what doesn’t. By taking action you can learn and reflect, and get that information.

Having that ultimate trust in myself is another exciting chapter in my life to look forward to.


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Sunday, November 1st, 2015

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