There’s only one thing in life that’s more difficult than getting what you want. Knowing what you want. Most of us go through life never really understanding or wanting to find out who they are and what would set their heart on fire.

There’s nothing heroic in sleepwalking through life. The world will never get to enjoy the gifts you could bring to the table. We humans are wired for connection and the deepest way to connect is to be of service to others and find meaning in something greater than yourself.

I started DrivenWoman because I share a belief that every woman carries that spark, that inner drive within and is capable of finding a way to a ‘bigger life’. DrivenWoman was founded on a principle that ‘Every Dream Is Equal’ which means that what ever it is you desire, you are entitled to go after it and no one, absolutely no one, should have the right to judge or belittle your dreams.

Daring to dream is one of the core themes in all the work we do in our Lifeworking -groups and after hearing the personal stories, aspirations and dreams of over a thousand women I have used that learning to write about the topic on numerous occasions.

These articles explore the journey to find out what you really want, and will help you answer the following questions:

  • – How can I find my direction: What is right for me?
    – Am I entitled to big dreams? How can I build self belief, I’m just a nobody?
    – What to do when I feel confused? What is this nagging feeling? (It’s your dream!)
    – Do I dare to dream big?
    – How to allow silent time for my dreams to emerge?
    – How can I give myself permission to dream big?

Here’s a collection of DrivenWoman’s most loved articles about Daring To Dream.

A Simple Tool To Create The Life You Really Want

Why Choosing My Tribe Led Me To Finally Launch My Passion Project

What Elizabeth Gilbert Taught Me About Giving Yourself A Permission

To Follow Your Heart, Stop Using Your Brain

A Bucket Full Of Dreams

Shifting From Doing To Being

Dare To Dream Big

Because I Like It Very Much

Why You Must Verbalise Your Dreams To Succeed

From A Crazy Dream To Reality — How I Achieved My Goals With Four Easy Steps


Now go out there and chase your own dreams!

~ Miisa

I hope you have enjoyed this collection of articles. Please leave a comment about daring to dream big.


DrivenWoman is an empowerment program for ambitious women who want to achieve their dreams and goals fast.

Join our free community the Doers Tribe.

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

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