Purpose Hunting

Purpose Hunting

Isn’t it fantastic to meet people who are passionate about what they do and have found their purpose in life? You can see their spark and feel their energy from a distance. It’s so nice to get sucked into that flow and be inspired. I’m sure you know...
How I Learned To Trust My Passion

How I Learned To Trust My Passion

We are already way into January, which is astonishing, and time seems to be racing by. We almost have to find time to stand still to allow time to catch up with us rather than us continuously trying to catch up with it. Something DrivenWoman has so diligently taught...
The Women Who Shaped Me

The Women Who Shaped Me

When I think about the person I am today I owe a lot to the women who shaped me. There’s three core parts that best describe me: strength of character, being down-to-earth and my spirit of adventure.  There are three women who have been key in shaping me into the...
The Importance Of Moving Forward

The Importance Of Moving Forward

I am 48 years old and I finally feel like I have an opportunity to do something for me.  I have been struggling for the last few years trying to determine what exactly is the definition of growth, my goal setting, intention, and – my purpose. I can finally...