What do you think is possible?

Most people don't believe anything is possible. Most people think people who think anything is possible are disillusioned dreamers or unrealistic lunatics at best. Why? Because they use other people's limited view based on bad experiences and earlier disappointments...

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Monday Morning Motivation Boost: Think positive this week

Monday is DrivenWoman's favourite day of the week! No, we don't want to sound cheesy or pretentious, we are serious about this. Why? Because we have so many important things to do and we want to change the world. Changing the world is pretty exciting don't you...

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Monday morning motivation boost

How do you start your week? Do you feel energised and enthusiastic to start your week and can' wait to get your teeth into the challenges that lie ahead? Or could you summarise your state of mind with 'Oh, what a drag. Yet another week of this same sh**'! If you...

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Are you allergic to criticism?

No-one likes to hear anything negative said about them. We'd much rather bask in the endless sunshine of admiration and love. But criticism is absolutely vital for our development. A child that is shielded from criticism and boundaries will grow up insecure and will...

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We just have to keep moving forward

We had a wonderful, fun and productive Entrepreneur's Clinic last night. In 2 hours we sorted out six woman's business branding from chilli sauce business to electronics recycling and new intelligentsia publishing! I had so much fun in the process. But the best part...

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Is perfect guy a shortcut to happiness?

One popular theme that is emerging in our DrivenWoman groups is finding the right guy. Well, you'd guess it. Finding the right partner is a pretty important part of a great life. You see, DrivenWoman is not just about doing what you want career-wise. It's about...

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How to keep yourself motivated?

Last night's torrential rain seemed to push half of our DrivenWoman group members off the course as last minute cancellations poured in. For a native Finn who used to ski (cross country) to primary school in -25C there are very few natural catastrophes that would...

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Why I hate holidays right now

Today my three and half week holiday is finally over. I'm so happy! I have been looking forward getting back to work almost since the holiday started. No, I'm not a workaholic (I hate that self-flattering description self-obsessed perfectionists tend to give to...

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