Gratitude as a source of power
Last Wednesday I went to Amy Winehouse Foundation ball where I met an enchanting lady who’s persona oozed with confidence. After an hour or so into our conversation she explained to me how grateful she was for her life and for her husband of 33 years. ...
Sharing REALLY is caring!
"Hi Jane, Your story is really inspiring. I 've been following you for a few month from a distance and even quoted your business to a few of my friends. I really like the tenacity of what you're doing and always ask myself how you do it? I've been looking for funding...
Stopping is the new fast forward
Just over five years ago I was sitting on a bench in Hampstead Heath, watching the dog walkers and feeling empty and little panicky inside. Who was I? I had just resigned from my top job building a branding business for a global advertising giant. I had resigned...
Why we do what we do: Lessons from the first 6 months
Instead of the usual Monday morning 'Go Go Go - get your ass in gear' war cry, I wanted to stop and reflect a little, to look back at our six month journey since our first event for DrivenWoman. In May we gathered in a beautiful location next to Hyde Park. The room...
Mother guilt and why you should include your kids in your journey
“ Mummy why are you going out again?” “Another meeting..” “ It's not fair!” “Oh, just go...” Wow. It's hard to believe that these were the constant questions and answers I would get every time I went out regardless whether it was business or social. My girls really...
Get your head out of the sand! Five steps to make a ‘strategic plan’ for your life
It's all well and good 'living in the moment' and 'making most of now', as the happiness trend goes. But unless you are acutely aware of what direction you want your life to take you are likely to be living in that very same moment for quite some time. The reason...
Business or a hobby? 3 steps to change your attitude
It was our first Entrepreneurial Clinic on building a 'Business Model' Monday night at DrivenWoman. The aim was to establish the difference between 'a hobby' and a business in the minds of our budding entrepreneurs. It's so easy to say "I want to start my own...
How We Spend Our Time Leads To Life Balance
Do you get your '5 a day'? No, not the fruit & veg but the things you want to enjoy and fill your everyday life with! Have you ever stopped to plan your life as a whole? Have you ever wrote down a life vision beyond your career ambitions, or goals beyond a weekly...
12 ways to learn (and why you should never stop)
In order to succeed, to change your life, to grow, to achieve financial independence or happiness (or both!), you have to learn. You must learn new skills, learn a new mindset, and simply learn to learn. The greatest obstacle that stops us human beings from...
Redefining mother guilt
It was the first week of school and I was helping my two 4 year old boys to undress their school uniforms only to notice that I had send them to school without underwear! How shocking? Well, not really. I didn't loose a beat and just laughed. I had laid out their...