Why You Must Verbalise Your Dreams To Succeed
Do you get frustrated trying to figure out what they you passionate about? Do you want to find that one thing that makes you jump out of bed with excitement every morning. That one thing that keeps you eternally motivated to work long hours. That one thing called...

Why Mother’s Day May Ruin Your Life Balance
I have slightly mixed feelings about Mother's Day, which we here in the UK celebrated yesterday. (Even if you don't have children yet, keep reading. Nobody tells you this at the prenatal courses!) Why? Perhaps because I never saw myself only as a mother. Did you...

How To Stop A Vicious Cycle Of Not Finishing
It took me 4,5 years since leaving my big corporate job before I figured out what my next big project would be. I started various projects which never saw a light of day. One idea was a holiday rental business, then a website for people who love postcards and...

Increase Productivity With A Spring Clean
Social media. Pointless TV. Endless telephone calls. Time wasting meetings. Over analysing your previous actions. Procrastination. Anxiety. Spending time with bullying underminers. You think you caught them all. Oh no, we haven't even scratched the surface. Time...

The ‘Yes’ Detox
"Would you like to speak at our conference?" asks the voice on the phone. I'm easily flattered and usually eager to put myself forward as doing things like this makes me look successful and important. But the caller is interested in what I used to do, not what I want...

Increase productivity by adapting an ‘opportunity cost’ mindset
Do you remember the university times when money was often tight and any spending was measured in the drinks you could buy in a pub? I used to prefer parties to spending my money on anything sensible and always calculated an opportunity cost in a 'currency' of entry...

Everything you need to know to get started on social media
Jo Middleton aka Slummy Single Mummy aka @mummyblogger started blogging in 2009. She originally wanted to showcase her writing talent, which according to her wasn't that much at the time. She didn't have a degree in journalism, nor did she have much...

The every day time robbers
The second season of House of Cards, the Netflix phenomenon, is out and I face a problem. Can an ambitious entrepreneur afford to watch 12 episodes of high quality entertainment? Apart from occasional news, I currently consider TV my enemy, a box that would happily...

Should I push this boat?
Stepping outside our comfort zone is one of the central themes at DrivenWoman. Then I read Deepak Chopra's 'The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success' which claims everything you do should come naturally to you, almost without effort. It got me thinking, did we go all wrong...

Why you should remember the person on the end of the tweet
This week we have a quest post from Jo Middleton, Slummy Single Mummy aka @mummyblogger, an award-winning blogger and a copywriter with amazing Twitter following. .......... I work a lot with social media. I also teach other individuals and businesses...