What Money Means To Me
Last week's post about money and our usefulness to others sparked a lot of conversation and comments on the blog. It inspired me to think what money means to me and why do I push myself to achieve more in life. Is life about purpose or bucks? First, full disclosure. I...

Are You Useful To The Universe
We humans are wired for connection and the deepest way to connect is to be able to put our talents and gifts to use to benefit other people. We women surely keep ourselves busy by helping others and serving others, and though for some it might be the best way to...

Money Is Just An Idea
We are writing about women and money in August. This week we have a guest post from a true money professional - Terhi Majasalmi, an experienced entrepreneur, professional investor and Women's Wealth Coach. Did you know that reaching a healthy financial...

Let’s Talk About Money
I can't get my head around why we women are too afraid to say “I want to be wealthy, rich and financially free. I want to be able to go shopping or travelling, and be free to start projects I love without having a panic attack about my bank balance." Why are so many...

15 Books Every Driven Woman Should Read
What does a driven woman read during her well deserved holidays? We have compiled a comprehensive list of books for useful, inspiring and fun (useful can also be fun!) summer reading. The books range from recent books written by some driven women; such as Sophie...

4 Thoughts On Making Most Of My Holiday
I have a confession to make.. I was actually looking for ways to slack off (!) this post. A short cut, anything that could have saved me from the real work after a hot day on a lake... (I'm writing this as my holiday has just started. I promised myself to have all my...

How To Handle Disappointments Like An Athlete
This is the time of the year when, in my business as a Sports Agency, so many emotions rise to the surface. Athletes have spend the last 12 months intensively preparing for the competition seasion, and will now have to put themselves to the test. Some will succeed and...

4 Ways To Develop Your Resilience to Stress
It's difficult to stay driven if stress takes over. We've invited Donna Hubbard, life coach from Be Dynamic Coaching, to share her tips on how to build resilience to stress. On a scale of 1 – 10, how stressed would you say you feel today? Wherever you place...

The Problem With Female Success (And What We Girls Can Do About It)
I very much liked what Rania Habiby Anderson had to say in her The Next Women business magazine article. "Yes, governments, policy makers and institutions have much to do to level the playing field for women. But, we cannot just wait for them to do so. There's a...

Time For Feedback
I decided that as part of my personal growth journey I was going to find out whether or not Jennifer Stoute was Jennifer Stoute or just a bag of hot air. Trying to understand who you really are and what talents lay beneath you can be quite challenging. You can...