Stepping Outside Of My Comfort Zone As A Young Female Entrepreneur
A year and a half ago I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey without even realising. I had a terrible experience getting my car fixed at a large chain of garages and got “ripped off” by a mechanic who preyed on my lack of car knowledge. After I found out that I had...

How To Live
My plan is to live 100 years. I've been saying that for a while now. It first started half-jokingly but I'm getting more serious about my goal now and have started to think what implications my manifesto brings to my everyday life. How should I live now to reach...

Worry Is An Opposite Force To Productivity
Do you find yourself worrying about things you could have done better? Or the many tasks you should be doing next week? We women tend to take a lot more to carry on our shoulders than we need to and that often creates unnecessary anxiety. I used to get anxious about...

What Failure Taught Me About Opportunity
Last week I was asked to do a talk at my eldest daughter’s school addressing the sixth formers. It was suppose to be about my achievements (*sighs*). The lecturer said she would like some footage of my races and my Gladiators experience. I managed to get a friend of...

With A Little Help From My Friends
Would you help your friends to succeed? Of course, who wouldn't. But what if it's getting more and more difficult to understand what success actually means to people. What if our own definition of success has become limited and thus we are missing opportunities to...

On Being Remarkable
Last week a friend of mine got ranked number 3 on Forbes list of CMO's (Chief Marketing Officers) with the greatest global social media influence. I don't think I've ever been so proud, excited and happy for anyone's success before. The reason I want to share...

Are You Worth The Shoes You Want?
Four times a year we get together with our DrivenWoman members for a social night out, an evening to have fun, drink a little wine and take time off from our drivenness, just to enjoy life. Last Thursday we spend an evening getting to know the studio and story behind...

Growing Greys, And The Incredible Lesson On The Power Of Mindset
I have a personal dilemma I'd like to share with you, and it's a little bit embarrassing. Or is it? For a while now I have wanted to cut my hair and stop dying the roots and allow my greys to come through. Oh yes, o-h y-e-s. “What!?” I can hear you...

September reading: Ultimate Happiness Prescription
‘The Ultimate Happiness prescription’ by the wonderful Deepak Chopra is an insightful and inspiring read and one that I highly recommend. He talks about one of the leading theories of happiness, what causes suffering and the seven keys to enlightenment and...

Every Year Was Not Created Equal (And How I Finally Found My Natural Rhythm)
Have you ever tried a trendy diet and soon found out the regime did nothing for you? Or have you wondered why one moment you are an eager gym bunny and the next you feel guilty as the gym membership goes to waste month after month? It's often too tempting to apply a...