Why I Am Taking DrivenWoman To New Zealand

I have done a lot of reflection over the last 18 months. “What am I doing with my life?” “Where do I want to live in the world?” What helped me answer these questions is working out what is important to me, what do I love doing and what am I passionate about.

It has been a journey, a rollercoaster ride and I have come out the other side a much more confident, stronger and happier person. Over one and a half year ago my mentor, a wonderful woman, founder and author of the Feel Brave children’s book series, Avril McDonald, recommended that I come along to an introductory session of DrivenWoman and check it out, so I did. I came away feeling inspired and joined on the spot.

I was ‘tired of life.’ I felt really negative and I wanted something that would help me take positive action.

I wanted some answers to all the questions running through my head. I started exploring what was important to me, these are a few of the things I found out.

Variety – I love variety in my life and that can come in many forms through different activities, food, learning about myself, education, going to events, and organising events

Diversity – being surround by different kinds of people and cultures. It is great to learn from each other, and be surrounded with different perspectives. It challenges your world view and expands it. It causes Disruption. It challenges your status quo. I have always been a person who has stuck up for the ‘underdog’ even if it is just to make a point. Just because something has always been this way doesn’t mean it cannot change.

Equality is a core value of mine. Everyone is equal. I don’t work well with hierarchy if people use it as a way to make you feel small and themselves feel big. Everyone has different experiences and teachings that we can learn from or take the parts of their learnings that works for you.

Abundance is a new one for me and I never realised it was important to me. I didn’t realise it was ‘OK’ to want the best in life and money that can facilitate this happening. This reflection and soul searching has now turned into action. I am currently retraining to become a transformational coach, and after that I will either study NLP or counselling. I want my own business which will be centred around empowering women through coaching, NLP or counselling and education. I have taken 6 months off work to work on things that excite me and that I am passionate about. I am 3 months in and I have seen more of the world and have been to one wedding and about to see two good friends get married.

Freedom is very important to me and I want to introduce more of that into my life.

If you had asked me 18 months ago about any of this, it would have looked very different and I would have been very different.

This is why I am so passionate and excited about launching DrivenWoman in New Zealand. It encompasses all of these things that are important to me!

In today’s world it is so important to find likeminded people, your tribe, your inspiration, and value them.

DrivenWoman has given me space, support, disruption and inspiration to grow, learn, and find my own answers and I want to share that with everyone.

One step at a time starting with Auckland launching on the 8th October 2016. (You can book your tickets here.) Meanwhile, if you want to get involved and connect, please follow DrivenWoman New Zealand on Facebook or drop me a line by email mandy.jane.reeve (at) gmail.com.

I hope to see you there!

~ Mandy


Mandy Reeve is a DrivenWoman Group Leader in Auckland, New Zealand – groups launching Saturday 8th of October 2016. DrivenWoman New Zealand 

DrivenWoman is an empowerment program for ambitious women who want to achieve their dreams and goals fast.

Join our free community the Doers Tribe.

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

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