A year ago I had nothing. And then again, I had everything.

I had an idea.

Like all exciting ideas, this one woke my inner critic telling me that I wasn’t ready for my idea, that I had never done that sort of thing before. The fearful voice was telling me to keep it small. If I’d listened to that voice I would have indeed had nothing.

Luckily I had been practising courage for many years. Yes, you can and should practise it like any other skill! I knew I had to follow my idea, step outside of my comfort zone and see where it would take me. I took a chance and trusted that in a year’s time I would have learned what I needed to learn. I would figure it out, step by step and the universe would support me.


Because I had connected with something larger than myself. Something I believed in deeply. Something I’m most passionate about. Something that slices my ego in half and marches forward unstoppable. Something I’m ready to struggle for. Something that can not be undone.

I want all women to become ‘doers’. Doers on their own terms and according to their own definition of success.

I know we can all do this. We are brilliant and resourceful. We have already everything we need. We all have a calling, how ever small. And we can all make things happen, even if we feel stuck right this very moment.

Stuckness can be undone.

I’ve been stuck, believe me! And by taking small steps I got myself out. You can do it too.

What many women haven’t realised is that the problems they are facing have been successfully solved by other women in similar situations many times over. We all feel stuck in the beginning of a new journey, and we all face similar fears. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of not being good enough and fear of not being able to handle our daily lives if we step outside of our comfort zone. Fear of other people’s reaction if we start taking steps to a bigger life.

Tara Mohr says it perfectly in her book ‘Playing Big’.

“I’m tired of encountering woman after woman deluded by the myth that she needs to be more something – more qualified, more prepared, more expert – than she is in order to share her ideas. I wrote this out of allegiance to the art not yet made, the companies not yet found, the books not yet written. Those expressions of goodness, of insight, of beauty hang in the balance. I want our world to be changed by you.”

People around you don’t always appreciate your ideas which can be upsetting. But we must find the courage to change things that are not working for us. And we must find courage to do the things that make our own heart sing.

The answer is simple but doesn’t come without a struggle.


Even the biggest of dreams can be broken down into tiniest of steps.

You don’t need courage, certainty or ability to take risks. You don’t need to be an expert, you don’t need experience or knowledge. You don’t even need confidence or to trust your own path. (Those things will follow.)

All you need is to take the first step.

And that’s exactly what I did a year ago.

I had an idea for a festival for women, a celebration of women who have followed their own path to encourage us all to take the first step towards something amazing. I wanted to put together a festival of joy and mutual support to dream bigger and act bolder.

I had an idea and I took the first step. Within 3 days I had signed my first key note speaker. There was no turning back. Call it beginner’s luck if you will, I call it a signal from the universe that I was on a right path.

I hope you can join me in celebration of women doers on 27.1.2017 in London. And even if you can’t make it, I invite you to become an active member of the fast growing DrivenWoman community, dedicated to creating a safe space for women to come together to support and encourage each other to create a bigger life. This is our path, this is our greatest desire.

And remember, when you take the first step towards bigger dreams it will inspire the woman next to you to do the same. Your courage to be vulnerable will help the woman next to you to face uncertainty. When you share your ideas the women around you will share theirs. When you walk through a struggle the woman next to you will become stronger to battle hers. And when you stop awaiting for the world to change for you and start changing your own world, your sisters will follow.

Let the world will be changed by you.

~ Miisa

Festival Of Doers is a one day event (27.1.2017) in London packed with inspiring talks by extraordinary female leaders in business, social enterprise and charitable work, and workshops with leading life coaches to help you lift your dreams even higher. Get your tickets to the most empowering day of the year.

DrivenWoman is an empowerment program for ambitious women who want to achieve their dreams and goals fast.

Join our free community the Doers Tribe.

Sunday, January 15th, 2017

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