Celebrate Global Women’s Happiness Day and Find More Joy in the Now

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Have you ever taken the time to identify your own version of happiness and what gives you joy in life? Many women keep seeking happiness from an external source when we are all capable of taking responsibility for creating it.

We know from the research that women are twice as likely to be depressed as men, and women today are less happy than women were 30 years ago. Plus, we have less confidence than men in most industries from medicine to nursing and finance.

In fact today, we have more opportunity yet we feel more miserable.

There are many reasons for this:

  • We think we have to be perfect
  • The pressure to “have it all” and “do everything” (for everyone)
  • We ruminate on the bad more than men do, constantly replaying negative events
  • We give to everyone else and there’s nothing left for us
  • We hate our bodies(90% of women dislike some aspect of their bodies) rather than use and move them as intended
  • We get what the researchers call “role confusion” because we feel torn between family and purpose/work
  • We make less money and know it
  • We’re emotional creatures and haven’t been given space for it
  • In the busy-ness of life, we’re lonely

Research shows that women need close female friendships

This is why DrivenWoman is so incredible, a community where we support each other and celebrate wins big and small – together. And we talk about things that bring us joy and happiness, and actively make those things happen.

This month we are taking part in Women’s Global Happiness Day which is all about eradicating the women’s depression epidemic and empowering women around the globe. To take part in this incredible campaign all you have to do is to take time to reflect and write down your ingredients of happiness.

This should be done completely without judgment or self-criticism. Too often we compare our ‘happiness’ to others’ and think we should be doing something rather than simply observe what brings us joy. Go back to basics and the small things that bring joy to your life. Remember there is no wrong answer, this is your journey, your happiness.

We all want to be happy, but often have no idea how.

This exercise helps you create true happiness in your life.

How many times, have you said to yourself “I’ll be happy when…”

  • I’ll be happy when I get paid more
  • I’ll be happy when I meet a man
  • I’ll be happy when my kids stop fighting

We often think that our happiness is based on an external source, but that puts us in the position of a Victim. Rather, we are the Creators in our own life. Society has told us that money and success will make us happier but more than 100 studies in positive psychology, the science of human flourishing, prove that the opposite is true.

It’s not that successful people are happier, but that happier people are more successful.

Happier people have more friends, longer, healthier relationships, and get promoted at work more often. This is because emotions are contagious. In particular, women’s happiness radiates to everyone around her and therefore attracts more of what she desires.

It’s time we pay attention to what brings us joy!

Founder of Women’s Global Happiness Day Carin Rockind is DrivenWoman’s expert coach, positive psychology expert and women’s purpose coach. 

DrivenWoman is a female only empowerment platform and accountability network, that helps ambitious women to achieve their goals and dreams by creating positive habits one step at a time. Thousands of women around the world have joined our program and are achieving their life goals, which range from entrepreneurial dreams to career change or simply being more confident in their own skin and enjoying life in the present moment.

Join us in DrivenWoman’s FREE community the Doers Tribe.

DrivenWoman is an empowerment program for ambitious women who want to achieve their dreams and goals fast.

Join our free community the Doers Tribe.

Friday, October 11th, 2019

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