What Money Means To Me

What Money Means To Me

Last week’s post about money and our usefulness to others sparked a lot of conversation and comments on the blog. It inspired me to think what money means to me and why do I push myself to achieve more in life. Is life about purpose or bucks? First, full...
Money Is Just An Idea

Money Is Just An Idea

We are writing about women and money in August. This week we have a guest post from a true money professional – Terhi Majasalmi, an experienced entrepreneur, professional investor and Women’s Wealth Coach.  Did you know that reaching a healthy...
Let’s Talk About Money

Let’s Talk About Money

I can’t get my head around why we women are too afraid to say “I want to be wealthy, rich and financially free. I want to be able to go shopping or travelling, and be free to start projects I love without having a panic attack about my bank balance.” Why...