The Role Of Compassion In Success

The Role Of Compassion In Success

The elements of success are often granular and as much as we’d like to simply follow a ‘success formula’, everyone has to find their own unique path to success. The role of compassion in success is not much talked about but I believe it plays a vital...
Shifting From Doing To Being

Shifting From Doing To Being

Do you like to get busy and get feeling of achievement from ticking off things from your to-do list yet sometimes feel your life is spinning around and around and you don’t seem to get satisfaction from doing things you used to enjoy? Do you feel at times...
I Feel Beautiful When

I Feel Beautiful When

Have you ever asked yourself the question, ‘I feel beautiful when….’ A simple, but revealing question, that many women admittedly struggled to answer. For me, the word beauty and the need to be and feel physically ‘beautiful’, achieving...