My journey within is about creation of a life on purpose. A life that cultivates the states of being I wish to become, and a distilling of the core ‘wants’ I desire for the remainder of my life. All this will morph as time passes. People in a search of...
I had a decent job and I was doing just fine. I didn’t feel particularly stressed, I had time for friends and family and found myself in a generally very supportive environment. For a while I felt I was able to balance work and family. Being pregnant with my second...
The currency of the Universe is energy. I learned this through the teachings of two great men of science — a physicist and a medical doctor – whose study led them to contemplate how the physical and non-physical are linked: Albert Einstein and Deepak Chopra....
The elements of success are often granular and as much as we’d like to simply follow a ‘success formula’, everyone has to find their own unique path to success. The role of compassion in success is not much talked about but I believe it plays a vital...
Do you like to get busy and get feeling of achievement from ticking off things from your to-do list yet sometimes feel your life is spinning around and around and you don’t seem to get satisfaction from doing things you used to enjoy? Do you feel at times...
Have you ever asked yourself the question, ‘I feel beautiful when….’ A simple, but revealing question, that many women admittedly struggled to answer. For me, the word beauty and the need to be and feel physically ‘beautiful’, achieving...