by Miisa Mink | Feb 5, 2017 | Dreams
Do you feel aiming for success is a constant struggle? Are you constantly mustering up motivation to get things done? I was bought up believing that success is hard work. Sure nothing happens if you just sit on your backside. But “If it was easy anyone could do it.”...
by Miisa Mink | Jan 29, 2017 | Ambition, Dreams, DrivenWoman, Entrepreneurship
I’ve spent the weekend wiping tears of my cheeks. They are the tears of joy and fulfilment. I still haven’t quite recovered from the emotions and a wave of gratitude I feel after the roaring success of our inaugural event ‘Festival Of...
by Miisa Mink | Jan 1, 2017 | Dreams, Goal setting
Setting meaningful goals is more effective and motivating than setting traditional New Year’s resolutions. According to research just 8% reach their New Year’s goals. At DrivenWoman we have a lot of experience in setting and reaching goals, and getting...
by Miisa Mink | Sep 4, 2016 | Dreams, Personal growth
When I was 13 I knew I wanted to be a business owner, it was in my blood. Our neighbours owned a few small businesses and I got an early opportunity to sell flowers & fish at a market, candy and hot dogs in kiosks, and to wash dishes in a Chinese restaurant. I...
by Miisa Mink | Aug 21, 2016 | Ambition, Dreams
I recently met Sarah at one of our Lifeworking workshops. I thought for sure she’d join the membership because she was so driven and full of life. She clearly had big dreams she wanted to achieve. One day, she said. She was very happy with her life right...
by Miisa Mink | Aug 7, 2016 | Dreams, Goal setting
The procrastination to write this feature has extended over 5 months since I first got the invitation from Miisa. I can find many reasons why, including personal tragedies, lack of time and career responsibilities. Ultimately, I think it came down to fear. Although, I...