Lessons Learned Quitting A Corporate Job And Starting My Own Business
What a difference 12 months make. I’ve been in a reflective mood these past few weeks as I mark a year on in my decision to walk away from the security of full-time employment to setting up my own company. The decision itself wasn’t that difficult. I was unhappy and...

Starting A Business In Your 50s or 60s
Do you tell yourself that you are 'too old' to start something new? Do you think you've reached an age when you should just settle for the life you have? Do you have a business idea but think it's too late to take such a risk? Suzanne Noble and Rose Rouse are women...

Why Women Need Their Tribe
Four years ago I was in a spot where many women find themselves these days, wondering what my true purpose in life would be. I was searching for answers -- alone, spending all my evenings surfing the net and getting inspired by amazing women who'd created something...

A Woman Without A Country
When I first time arrived in London I fell in love. I had always felt a little bit of an outsider in Finland where I'm from. I was noisy, I had ideas, I had opinions and I wanted to shake the boat. The Finns, they didn't like that. Especially the Finnish school system...

If You’re Too Busy to Read This, You Need to Read This
You know that friend who’s always so busy - telling everyone how crazy life is, promising to call when it all slows down a bit? She’s spinning several plates, running around like a mad woman, cramming it all in and looking a bit frazzled. Pass this along to your...

Can You Give Up Your Dreams For Something Better
I had a dream, but that proved to be a bit of a disappointment. When I was expecting my first child I fell in love. Not only for my child to be born, but also for yoga. Over the years my love story with yoga evolved and I wanted to become a yoga teacher to work...

5 Ways To Be Productive Without Feeling Stressed
When we started DrivenWoman three years ago I thought I had to become this super woman who'd get up at 5 am, go for a run, read my emails and prepare some super food smoothie before my family got up. I was very conscious of not having any 'unproductive' moments...

Life On An Autopilot (And How To Take The Controls)
Does your life feel the same day after day? Does this sound familiar... Take the kids to school, commute to work, feel tired in the evening and say nothing to your husband because you simply have no energy? Or are you struggling to grow your start-up doing sales call...

10 Ways To Use Positive Psychology To Enhance Your Every Day Life
International Success Coach and Positive Psychologist Niyc Pidgeon visited DrivenWoman last week to run a Positive Psychology Workshop for us for a second time. The event was sold out a month in advance, and for a good reason. Niyc is a living example of positivity...

Enjoying The Journey – And How I Finally Found Myself
I joined Driven Woman when I was at one of the lowest points in my life. I was diagnosed with depression - sounds really harsh, as I'm probably the last person anyone would have thought to have suffered from it! But I had completely lost myself. Although now I wonder...