Would you agree a typical networking conversation goes a little bit like this. “Hi, I’m Miisa. Lovely to meet you.” “Hi, what do you do?” ..”Ah, that sounds very interesting. You must be really busy!” And then both parties...
Everyone who embarks on a new career journey or wants to start a business will have to face their fear of failure. If you want to start something new and change direction, the chances are you are stepping out of your comfort zone. I’ve been there, that’s...
Last week a friend of mine got ranked number 3 on Forbes list of CMO’s (Chief Marketing Officers) with the greatest global social media influence. I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud, excited and happy for anyone’s success before. The...
This is the time of the year when, in my business as a Sports Agency, so many emotions rise to the surface. Athletes have spend the last 12 months intensively preparing for the competition seasion, and will now have to put themselves to the test. Some will succeed and...