How To Bridge The Gap To Your Dreams

How To Bridge The Gap To Your Dreams

Does this sound familiar… If I had a magic wand my business would already be successful. If I had a magic wand I’d have money to hire someone to do my marketing and branding. Or.. if I had a magic wand I wouldn’t have to make compromises in my career...
Take Small Steps To A Big Goal

Take Small Steps To A Big Goal

Wednesday was a special day for me. I got to be my beauty therapist’s first private client. I met Michaela for the first time four years ago when I visited the day spa where she works. Immediately I noticed she was very passionate about her work and loved what...

How to keep yourself motivated?

Last night’s torrential rain seemed to push half of our DrivenWoman group members off the course as last minute cancellations poured in. For a native Finn who used to ski (cross country) to primary school in -25C there are very few natural catastrophes that...

Why I hate holidays right now

Today my three and half week holiday is finally over. I’m so happy! I have been looking forward getting back to work almost since the holiday started. No, I’m not a workaholic (I hate that self-flattering description self-obsessed perfectionists tend to...