What Failure Taught Me About Opportunity

What Failure Taught Me About Opportunity

Last week I was asked to do a talk at my eldest daughter’s school addressing the sixth formers. It was suppose to be about my achievements (*sighs*). The lecturer said she would like some footage of my races and my Gladiators experience. I managed to get a friend of...
On Being Remarkable

On Being Remarkable

  Last week a friend of mine got ranked number 3 on Forbes list of CMO’s (Chief Marketing Officers) with the greatest global social media influence. I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud, excited and happy for anyone’s success before. The...
The ‘Yes’ Detox

The ‘Yes’ Detox

“Would you like to speak at our conference?” asks the voice on the phone. I’m easily flattered and usually eager to put myself forward as doing things like this makes me look successful and important. But the caller is interested in what I used to...