5 Habits That Help You Prioritise During Times of Rapid Change

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Almost overnight the world as we know it has changed, radically. It’s hard not to be filled with fear, worry, concern about what it means for you personally. Financial uncertainty and worries about the health of loved ones are all around us.  

What is certain is that no one knows how the future will unfold just yet. There’s a sense of spirit and spark amongst many of the women in our community at the moment, that whilst things are uncertain, there are exciting possibilities and opportunities to explore.

“I am afraid of the known, but excited at the unknown too.”
“In this uncontrollable chaos I do not only want to survive but also thrive.”
“I’m going to post to Facebook some of my recent creative work which I’ve not had the confidence to do recently.”

Women especially are affected by this change and many of us are almost pushed to do the things we wanted but were not sure we were ready to do. For women who are self employed or who were thinking of starting a business find themselves creating online programs and getting their message out there.

Now is the time to cultivate habits that help you prioritise and take action. It is time to see the opportunity and possibility in this uncertainty.


What is certain is that no one knows how the future will unfold. Own your present moment. Reality is the only thing we need to deal with right now.

The sooner we accept our changing circumstances the sooner we can let go of the past and fully embrace future opportunities.

Write down what you are most worried about and identify one step you can take right now to deal with that fear.


Sometimes we are our own biggest enemy. the only thing keeping us stuck is our reluctance to have an open mind, inability to let go of our expectations and not exploring life freely.

Become fluent in exploring the unfamiliar. Stretch your mindset muscles to do things outside your comfort zone. Learn to let go of perfection and fear of failure.

Write down one thing that excites you, something you haven’t done before that may (or may not) lead to a new opportunity.


When you let go of things that no longer serve you you make room for your heart to see what it has always wanted to see. Most of us are too afraid to upset anyone so we keep saying ‘yes’ to things that don’t really matter to us.

This change in the world offers an unique opportunity to re-evaluate what we want and what brings us meaning.

Write down three things that are no longer relevant for your life and your career.


create a habit of appreciating your talents, your values and what you want to stand for in the world. Write them down daily and it will become your anchor, your guiding light. Practice self awareness each day.

The better you know yourself the easier it is to see opportunities in uncertain times.

Write down three strengths you are most proud of.


Living through extraordinary times teaches us to find security inside rather than wait for the perfect external moment. Practice believing in your inner drive every day and ask yourself:

What would someone extraordinary do in your situation?
How would she find courage? What would be her opportunity?

Write down one small step you can take now to start your journey to a future with more opportunity.


DrivenWoman is a female-only empowerment platform and accountability network, that helps ambitious women to achieve their goals and dreams by creating positive habits one step at a time. Thousands of women around the world have joined our program and are achieving their life goals, which range from entrepreneurial dreams to career change or simply being more confident in their own skin and enjoying life in the present moment.

To find out more about our programmes for corporations click here.

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DrivenWoman is an empowerment program for ambitious women who want to achieve their dreams and goals fast.

Join our free community the Doers Tribe.

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

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